Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Don't Come A Knockin When Our Surge Is A Rockin

Lying President 'shit for brains' smirked today that his surge is yielding gradual but important gains in Iraq. Oh really?
We could look at today's developments:
1) Gunmen stormed an Iraqi guarded jail today and released 140 insurgents. Police were overwhelmed, so they stood back and watched. At least no one was hurt.
3)Nine U.S. troops killed in bombings.
4) Tuesdays total so far, 10 GIs, 152 Iraqis
Unfortunately, the awol heartless McAsshat was unable to offer a single example of any particular progress or achievement. At least they used to lie and tell us so many schools were repainted or something.
Is it too early to plan a helicopter escape for the inevitable defeat of imperialist hubris?


Anonymous said...

i think the surge was one of his synapses actually operating....must have felt like a hydro transmitter in his head. maybe the xtians are using scientology zaps?

JJ said...

Commander Codpiece's surge isn't going so well. I wonder what they'll try next. Oh wait, I know -- declare victory and leave!

I'm so looking forward to Georgie's "helicopter moment".