Sunday, June 24, 2007

The First Casualty of War

In a new propaganda twist, the military are now referring to all combatants and enemy casualties in Iraq as Al Qaida. And the press is delivering the message.
Last year they were saying there were very few actual Al Qaida in Iraq, that the insurgents were mostly Iraqis. The truth is bad for war.
So they're all terrorists again , don't feel sorry for any of them and there's so little time left to secure control of that oil.


JJ said...

What a bunch of bsers they are. Most of the iraqis fighting are insurgents (and now, of course, fighting a civil war) -- some of them are even fighting against the much smaller al qaeda element.

After all the bs from the media at the beginning of this thing, you'd think they would have learned their lesson.

Thanks, this was tres interesting!

Q said...

It's diabolical how stupid the press is. They're manipulated 98% of the time.