Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Hubris on the Tigris

The worlds largest insurgent target and white elephant won't open infefinitely?
The new U.S. embassy in Iraq, the worlds largest and most expensive embassy...hey, how is that possible when they used slave labor?
$750 million for a death trap all Iraqis despise....only a Bushco project could be this corrupt, mismanaged and doomed to failure...


Wandering Coyote said...

Infefinitely? Really? What does that mean?

It can't possibly be more ugly or ridiculous than the new embassy in Ottawa...What a hideous eyesore that thing is! And there is a really stupid "sculpture" outside of it, too, that looks like a bunch of railway ties sticking up into the air. "Art" my ass.

Q said...

Apparently, they don't know. Could be a long while with the long list of shoddy building issues.
It's hated by Iraqis who view it as Bush's 'palace' and as soon as the troops leave, all Iraqis will enjoy lobbing shells at it until it's gone.

I suspect the Ottawa embassy was designed to with stand terrorist attacks, not impress anyone visually.

Undeniable Liberal said...

Winnin' hearts and minds and lettin' freedom reign!!

Q said...

You have to stop that UndeLib, or a billion Muslims will swim across the ocean(cause that's how they roll) and take away my right to put food on my family and they will force my cats to wear burqas.