Saturday, July 11, 2009


Guess what? Chicken butt.
Still a favorite line from Home Alone ;)
Well the GOP will be home alone for decades to come if they continue to ignore news like this...

Only 6% of scientists are Republican.

Not surprising really but it does drive home a point.
The GOP are openly talking their future voter viability these days, losing the Latino and minority vote, not embracing new technology but one thing I haven't heard them confess is that most Republicans don't have their heads in the 21st century, let alone the 20th century.

There will be a gradual return to science and reason over religious based ideas with the Obama administration and at some point the GOP will have to confess to themselves, hey, the world really isn't 6000 years old, Jesus didn't really ride dinosaurs and not surprisingly, the public thinks we're a bunch of ignorant wackos.
Hell, we are a bunch of ignorant, immoral , hypocrite wackos.

Seriously, if their religious views are to dominate their thinking, or lack of thinking, then the Dems despite being a frustrating, disjointed rabble, will continue to win and slowly move a progressive agenda forward.
Thank God.

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