Most Iranians are opposed to terrorism and attacks on civilians and they have negative views of Al Qaeda and Bin Laden. Iranians and Americans feel that their cultures can find common ground and live in peace and are in favor of more dialogue between their countries.
So much for the inevitable neocon 'clash of civilization' theories. But I'm sure with enough Bush diplomacy, this window of opportunity can be closed for another generation of violence.
This was a major recommendation of the Iraq Study Group, talking with Iran and Syria instead of threatening them.
Of course governments don't represent ordinary people with ordinary peaceful views of the world.
That is such a cool picture, Q. did you take that? Is that your doggie? One thing I miss about Ontario is the beautiful sunsets (sunsets are pretty blah out here, it's too temperate).
That plan by the Iraq Study Group sounds like the right way to go, it's also the exact opposite of what georgie's doing. He really just wants a war that'll last long enough for him to get out of office and not be blamed for a losing war. He doesn't want to have a Helicopter Moment like Nixon did.
Impressive jj.
A random pic as I'm wont to borrow but, it is Ontario and reminds me of my fav hound.
It's always in the back of my thinking that ordinary people have no interest in world 'screw over others' politics but ordinary people have the power to the change their governments when they're being assholes.
I agree. I think your everyday joe (or jane) has more in common with the average everyday mohamed (or fatima) in Iran than they do with the bush or harper nutters. Very few of us want to fight each other, what for? Everyone wants the same things out of life. The politicos demonize people unjustly, I think.
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