Sunday, February 04, 2007

Death Wish In Iran

Nobody can put you in a state of extra strength Sartrian existential despair faster than the lying smirking petulant sociopathic emperor chimp, Awoll McAsshole.

Seriously. There aren't enough troops to secure Baghdad so obviously a ground offensive against Iran or even Grenada at this time is out of the question? Well, assuming you were sane or an adult, neither of which Bush is.

But the U.S. has lots of planes and bombs and there isn't currently more carrier/naval presence since 2003 in the Gulf for nothing. Bush's plans are crumbling and he's being backed into a corner. Military strikes are his only source of power now.

They were going to give ironclad proof that Iran was supplying insurgents in Iraq. But now they've gone back to the drawing board to retool the evidence. Stephen 'Dr. Strangelove' Hadley is mad. Who cares. You shouldn't be in Iraq. All Muslim countries support fellow clan in other Muslim countries who are at war.

Let's assume Iran is supporting insurgents. Who would they be supporting? Only one group is friendly to Iran and that's the Shiite militants. But those are the allies of the U.S.

Maliki and the Shiites are the main supporters of the U.S., (more accurately those tolerating U.S. presence to defeat Sunnis) in Iraq.

Who kills the most U.S. troops in Iraq? The Sunni insurgents. Who supports them? Every other Sunni dominated government in the M.E. Like Saudi Arabia. Well they get a pass because of their close ties to the Bush/Cheney cabal. But Bush/Cheney have no business dealings with Syria. So they could be bombed too. Bombing will not resolve issues. Bombing will ensure future suffering and problems for Americans. Guaranteed.

So what should the U.S. do? Get out now. That wont happen. Talk? That's admitting personal defeat for Bush and he obviously doesn't care how many die in this lost cause = despair.

Clinically, if one ascribes to psychiatric opinion, this a manifested death wish which usually leads to suicide. In this case, national suicide.

1 comment:

JJ said...

Ugh. These assholes (bush/cheney) really believed they could walk in there, topple Saddam, and get the flowers/candy from the Iraqis. They never even acknowleged there might be civil war, although how they could miss that is hard to imagine. But it's happened and the whole thing has spun right out of control at this point. Now all georgie is interested in is prolonging it enough to give him time to get out of office. He doesn't want a helicopter moment like Nixon's.

If they attack Iran, it'll be a different kind of war. Iran has a population 10 times the size of Iraq's. Shi'ite Iraq would get involved too, against the US. THEN, saudi arabia would try to help the sunnis.

What a clusterfuck!!!