Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Wolfie, A True Bush Man

I'm not sure if this is a recent pic of Paul Wolfowitz and his girl friend Shaha...

To recap, this Bush psycho was the deputy secretary of defense who led the charge in Iraq having promised that it wouldn't cost much at all as their oil revenues would pay for most of the war etc. etc.

Bush was so impressed with his money skills even half a trillion dollars in the red later, that he sent him to run the World Bank.

Wolfie also believed that a connection existed between Saddam and the first world trade center bombing and the Oklahoma bombing as well likening comparisons to Dr. Strangelove.

Now he's being fired for the petty crime of breaking bank rules and violating his contract by giving too much money and status to his 'girlfriend.' If it wasn't white collar crime ...it's called stealing.

Ironically, he's been bashing African nations for their corruption and nepotism.

I can see the bank's board of directors view on this image problem, " ..he's had a dramatic negative effect on the reputation and credibility of the bank".

But to verify his 'Bush crony worth', it's now being revealed that during the meeting where he was told he'd be exposed, Wolfie threatened the governing board in a four letter word tirade.

For example, "If they fuck with me or Shaha, I have enough on them to fuck them too."

A true Bush man. A crony, corrupt, incompetent, the mafia threat tactics. Check, check and double check. He's a Bush inside 'made guy'.


Anonymous said...

wow.....what a great man! i wish i had grandchildren so they could use him as a role model. if nothing else it's all been looney tunes!

JJ said...

Wolfowitz, that scum, has the blood of almost half a million people on his hands as one of the primary architects of the Iraq Fuckup. I thought he was in his element when they moved him to the corrupt cesspool that is the world bank, but he even fucked that up!!! He should be shot and pissed on.

Q said...

As noted in previous posts, if they were on the Sopranos, they'd be more appealing but in real life... they're just scum.

JJ said...

"If they fuck with me or Shaha, I have enough on them to fuck them too." Spit-comb Boy talks tough. YAWN.