Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mass Murder in a Phoney War

Over a million dead for oil?

A new survey has confirmed two previous ones about the number of Iraqi civilians killed in violence caused by the Bush invasion since 2003, over 1 million killed.

These numbers are larger than the Rwandan genocide of 800,000 and more Iraqis have been killed now by the Bush family than under Saddam's three decades of rule.


JJ said...

Hahahaaha! That's what I said to a couple of American tourists I ran into at work: "You're not here to bring us democracy, I hope!"

Anonymous said...

that sticker loks like it's on a toilet.

anyways, i was checkin g out ctv's comments on mackay talking about sending more troops to afghanistan and someone put something like: benefit of being in iraq= oil. u.s. didn't go into rwanda or dafur....rwanda's biggest export= bananas

Undeniable Liberal said...

And to think that we have the balls to call other people terrorists.

Wandering Coyote said...

THAT is an excellent bumper sticker!