Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Cons are all the same whether it's Steve or Palin, they all think that they can manipulate every one's opinions of them with a kitten in the lap or a wink and a folksy expression.
Maybe the stupid out there can be...

It's what you do in office that gives people a favorable impression about you.

If I get one more fucking flyer in my door from my Con MP telling me how I must be afraid of Michael Ignatieff because he's been successful out of the country for 34 years...I don't care if he's been out of the country for 340 years...is he a better person with better ideas and policies than Steve the Con? Why would I fucking care?
Even if he was just visiting he'd probably still be better than the Cons.

Stop insulting me to death with this crap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whoa bro!