Saturday, December 30, 2006

Assassination Completed

I wasn't planning on watching the execution video but it was 'featured' at the top of the Drudge report. Matt is truly sludge, a valueless, talentless over rated voyeur of the days events, distorting where possible to make progressives look bad for some unknown reason due to issues he has and that no one else should really care about...but I digress...

Anyway, don't waste your time. The video is so bad and so amateurish it's stupid. It's crappier than the terrorist videos!
It features a bunch of fat thugs in ski masks who look like the same terrorists we've seen before, they probably are and this is suppose to be a national execution? An alternative to the Hague?

This looks like the amateur home movie of some low class mafia thugs doing a sloppy hit in some abandoned warehouse in Jersey.

This whole process was a disgrace. Assassinate Saddam early in the sham trial to avoid embarrassing the Republicans who helped create this mass killer. And what does any of this have to do with 911? Nothing.

Who's happy? Iran and The White House and the Iran loyal Shiites in Iraq that Bush supports and who have killed hundreds of Americans in terrorist attacks. Strange bedfellows?

Mr. Natural, again, has it all figured out. The whole thing is insane.


Alison said...

The whole thing reminded me of a bad mafia movie plot.

Q said...

Exactly. They 'hit' Iraq in a turf war and 'whacked' Saddam. Wadda ya gonnu do ,eh?