Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A New Political Strategery from the Decider?

George's new friend, Abdul -Aziz al-Hakim. Head of the Shiite Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq. Warm and fuzzy title. Did anyone at the White House read that title?
He's a puppet to Iran's Ali Khamenei and former head of the Badr Corps, a Shiite militia implicated in death squad killings of Sunnis. Impressive credentials George. So what's the point to this little meet and greet?

Is this the newest strategy, to take political sides in the civil war?
Very constructive talks say the White House/ Fox News team, al Hakim recommended that the U.S. hit Sunnis harder in Iraq. I don't think this strategy will have Sunnis rushing scared to the negotiating table.

This is the future of Bush's democracy in Iraq? Maliki is the mayor of only the green zone in Baghdad. Maliki's a puppet of Bush and Muqtada al- Sadr, who is also an enemy of Bush, in fact the U.S. was previously trying to track him down dead or alive. Militias we don't understand rule Iraq permanently now . Why does Bush shake hands with a puppet of Iran, the axis of evil people? Well actually, who else could Bush talk to in Iraq? Any Sunnis? The Sunnis want to kill all Americans in Iraq. The Shiite support the killing of Americans in Iraq but would prefer others take care of that for now.
Al Qaeda in Iraq are not likely to be talking to Bush. Interestingly, the current new leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq is reported to be a Canadian, Abu Abdul Rahman, whose skills and intelligence are causing new levels of trouble for the U.S. forces there.
Chalk one up for the Seneca college computer department.
When a Canadian takes over the insurgency in Iraq there's bound to be major trouble and it should be a signal to all to end the occupation now and let Iraq choose its future.


Anonymous said...

then would that be, 'al salaam a'alaykum, eh?

Q said...

Haha, and good day to you too, eh?
Probably a Leafs fan too.

Anonymous said...

That seems to be what the Iraq Study Group is recommending -- let Iraqi troops take over combat operations, reduce the US to a support role, and get the hell out of there by early 2008 (before the presidential election). Insh'allah.

Of course you know what'll happen when the Iraqis start fighting their own battle -- ethnic cleansing, the Sunnis will be wiped out. Good work Georgie, heck of a job.

Q said...

Yes I say get out yesterday. No one has died for a worthy cause in that country.

Iraqis, not U.S. puppets have to decide their future, live or die.

It was all about:

1) Get Saddam out for Bush ego,

2) Secure control of their oil industry for the big 4, not Iraqis,

3) Establish some new dynamics in the region to help Israel's defense.

Anonymous said...

As a 2(b) I'd add, to keep Iran from getting control of too much of the world's oil. Which ironically is what will happen anyway. The Shi'ite Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq? That's pretty much what they've got in Iran.