Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Treason For Two

The Plame trial is making it clear that Cheney, not Libby his minion, was orchestrating a smear campaign against Joseph Wilson.

This is a severe abuse of his authority and easily an impeachable offence, if the Dems chose to act like Republicans.

It's also becoming clear that Bush knew what was going on even though he claimed to be serious about getting to the bottom of the outing of a CIA agent.

What does Bush or Cheney have to do to get impeached anyway?
The picture below, recreated of course in lego, shows Cheney in happier days, shooting an old friend in the face. Ah, the good old days.


Anonymous said...

Nothing says "You're my friend" like a round of buckshot in the face.

Coincidentally to the ongoing travails of Scooter Libby, I'm reading a book right now that goes into a lot of detail about the Plame situation. The finger of suspicion points to Cheney. Outing a CIA agent is Treason -- should be enough reason for impeachment, you'd think.

Q said...

Exactly. Imagine the Dems in the White House since 2000 pulling any of these incompetent treasonous shenanigans? Unthinkable and laughable. grrrrrr

JJ said...

I agree. The dems are far from perfect, but they at least don't piss on the constitution, manufacture news or commit treason.

This book I'm readiing -- it's amazing how many people both in the white house and in the media were talking about Plame after Wilson made his public critique of bush. It seems like it was a "big secret" that everyone knew. Rove, Libby, Cheney were at the center of it, but it's amazing how many people in the media knew before Novak actually published it in his article. Eeek. I'd be worried if I was a CIA agent.