Monday, September 18, 2006

The Elephant in the Room

An interesting theory in Kos diaries today about Pakistan. It's suggested that the reason Bush won't allow testimony in open court about his 'detainees" is that all information of interest points the finger to Pakistan as the chief supplier, trainer and financier of international terrorism, especially Al Qaeda.
So how does one receive billions in aid, purchase high tech military equipment like F-16s and receive constant support from Bush? Compare Pakistan's involvement to Iraqs.
Iraq- no WMD- no link to Al Qaeda
Pakistan- birthplace of Al Qaeda- current safe home for Al Qaeda- Bin Laden invited to live in peace- terror training camps still operate- co-operation between terrorists and government of Musharraf thru ISI military intelligence- selling nuclear technology to Iran and North Korea- Khan allowed to keep money from sales and lives in peace and security-involvement in every major international terrorist act
Musharraf has been busy blaming the west on terrorism and India.
Every terrorist connection leads to Pakistan. Everything indicates Musharraf is being protected by Bush? So why is Iraq the central war on terror. 1) They were weak militarily. 2) They have strategic oil 3)Bush family business. A hatred for Saddam. Pakistan does have has nuclear weapons. Is that the only reason they're given a pass?
Is it possible that some U.S. aid money funds terrorism thru the ISI? That would mean Bush is supporting those that support his power, the terrorists? Why is it okay with Musharraf and Bush to give Al Qaeda safety?
Most importantly, why don't the U.S. media give this elephant in the room the attention it deserves? Not in individual stories months apart but in presenting the whole picture to the public. What additional damning secrets might terrorists reveal in open court?

1 comment:

RossK said...

Or even the Canadian media when it comes to the pachyderm principle.

Actually there was one story by Grahaeme Smith in the Globe a couple of weeks ago where he brought up the 'proxy-war' issue.
