Sunday, September 24, 2006

Tortured Logic

This is something we should be asking Republicans now, before our kids are asking us?
Could they seriously want to go into an election as the 'torture party'? How easy is that to campaign against? Oh yeah, the Dems, they can mess up any election.
If they don't stand up to this, who of conscience would want either party?

I think most dads would have to say it's wrong kids and then would struggle to find a way to defend a government that condoned it?

Condi is not a parent. She's the Princess of Exxon. Like the environment, or the truth about any inconvenient issue, torture will also have to accommodate GOP goals.
Condi might say, we are not Nazis. That is a grotesque comparison. We only wish to use their methods.

There is only one goal of this complex Senate bill, to give amnesty to Bush on down for any future legal charges.
The legislation prohibits detainees from "citing Geneva Conventions as a legal basis for challenging their imprisonment or for seeking civil damages for their mistreatment."

The amnesty would thereby become retroactive to the beginning of the abuses.

George should ask his favorite philosopher who he would torture?

The world no longer needs to wonder what American values are.

By the way, the original CIA leaks suggested 30-50 detainees were in secret foreign prisons. I haven't seen less than 27 quoted. So there are 14 now being added to Guantanamo. Where are the rest? Of course, at this stage of ethical erosion, why should we believe anything we're told anymore?


scout said...

no matter how the cons try to rewrite history, 'we were only following orders' just isn't going to wash again.

Anonymous said...

Hey Q, great update. Agree with you 100%. Condi's teeth scare me. Too much violation of human rights. Why American elected a moron as their president is beyond comprehension. I hope Dems have majority both in the Senate and the House to make this moron accountable. Bush is the worst terrorist there ever was.

Anonymous said...

Excellent, excellent post, Q. Chilling.

Bush wanted his own version of the Geneva Convention so he could never be tried for war crimes, and it looks like once again his ass is covered.

I wonder what Rove has on McCain and the others that would make them cave.

scout said...

i wonder what torture these new-christian neo-cons inflict on their kids? that's scary too.....i mean look at bush, the sociopaths rise to power.....hes following daddy and grandaddy's footsteps. he wasn't JUST an alcoholic and cocaine addict for nothing.

and now they've raised a few generatiions more of themselves.

Q said...

They are not nice people. Period.
The fact that these crooks and sociopaths have had complete control of government...actually...isn't this like most Republican administrations?
They eventually collapse under the weight of their own lies and corruption.