Sunday, September 17, 2006

Random Snarks

Larson quitting was as distressing as Gods silence in the universe.

Heck of a job George for injecting cronyism into everyday humour.

I don't know if this is true about biologists. Maybe Ross knows?

The White House needs more than James Baker to save it. Isn't he corrupt too? Nobody thinks outside the box where money is being made. The fix is always in. Someday...government will have to be about more than money.

The Pope has been calling the pot black. Christianity has never brought evil or inhumanity into the world??? The shrieks of millions of tortured and persecuted souls.........thru the ages.


scout said...

ah well, bought the hubby a three volume set of 'far side' last christmas.

what, you don't think the pope's nice guy? kiss my ring! why do they always get these ancient creeps with one foot on a banana peel and the other on a grave?

RossK said...


Best data are always generated when you're not watching, or maybe more accurately, when you least expect it.

