Sunday, November 05, 2006

Are All Homophobic Republicans Gay?

So the president of the National Association of Evangelicals has been kicked out out of the flock.
Aren't they suppose to go after the lost sheep and forgive?
Anyway, the hypocrite with president Bush's ear at the White House on strategy and policy against gays and gay marriage is disgraced...yawn.
Maybe more interesting about evangelicals and sex is their explanation for their failures.
Pastor Mark Driscoll explains that it's because of our wives, 'who let themselves go' that leads to this kind of infidelity. Yes a frumpy wife not making herself available for sex will drive her pastor husband to drug abuse and gay sex!!!
Does this not help explain the mystery and disconnect of these people?
Ignorance is not bliss.


Anonymous said...

OMG, that is so pathetic on so many different levels. The ignorance of these people knows no bounds... if a guy's wife gets fat, he'll turn gay??? WTF???

These holy-roller types all seem to be so fixated on gay sex, I am really starting to wonder if that's why they're attracted to the religious right, so they can over-compensate for what they don't want to be. Yikes! Screwed up!

Anonymous said...

wellllllllll....i KNOW for a fact that when i started wearing curlers in my hair and letting the support hose roll down that my hubby was out flirting with all the evangelical men. it was all my fault. really.