Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sunday Reflections: Up The Lazy W

Sure, he can be an insensitive assclown when you've lost everything you own. And his mom is no hell either to have around in a disaster, especially if you're poor and black. The apple didn't fall far from that rotten tree.

Hiring incompetent cronies at least shows loyalty? Loyalty like the mob. Except for Rummy, who for some reason became a sacrificial exception to that consistency. I guess it's just past midnight and the unsinkable ship neocon has hit it's own iceberg.

W likes to share a little birthday cake with guys whose families his campaign swiftboated heinously, while elsewhere, what else, people are drowning still...

Saddam was a bad man who had to be stopped at any price? Well at the time that's what they promised. Apparently a tyrant is what held that country together for better or worse, so W became a despot himself in the holy name of 911 and big oil. And then Iraq just turned itself mysteriously into the central front in the never ending war on terror. An amazing trick no one can yet explain.

And a president can't allow emotion to affect his judgment in protecting America from grave dangers. Bring it on. We won't lose unless we quit. It will all be a comma in the history books.

I'm afraid we may never get to see the inner sensitive side of W.
Apparently, it may not even exist.
But there's still time to pardon a bunch of republican criminals. That would be kind of sensitive? In a sociopathic republican kind of way.


¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

God, that man is awful.

And now, from my own shameless self promotion department, I did a little cartoon at my blog that I thought you might enjoy:!.0.jpg

Anonymous said...

love the pics!!!! wgirls is quite....well let's just say i'm speechless. i'm sure anyone would want this as a calendar. georgie's just a sensitive nuclear age guy.

Alison said...
Did you do these?
Wgirls is particularly disturbing.
Maybe because there's a sense in which GW as a sad pin-up girl is not really a surprise after all.

Anonymous said...

didn`t know W played guitar maybe there is hope