Thursday, August 17, 2006

Is Bush An Idiot?

An overdue topic on Scarborough Country. John Fund put up a brave defense claiming that just because Bush mangles the language and is serially inarticulate it doesn't necessarily follow that he's not intelligent or has the right policies. Not unlike someone on the deck of the Titanic claiming that it appears to be sinking but should arrive in port before going under.
If Bush is intelligent, could he write a book, say an autobiography? He's a university graduate and two time President. Without anyone's help, could he? I'd pay to read that classic. Speaking of his autobiography, it would of course be written by others but what could it possibly say about his life? I spent the first half high and a fool, spent the second half being a serial failure and fooling many? If he tried to paint any successes in his life, critics would quickly prove him wrong or a liar. Chapter 6- Angela doesn't like massages or funnin around . I don't know what her problem is? It would be funnier than a diary.
If this intelligent Bush can't organize in his head a simple well known saying, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, how does he understand the many complex policies being explained to him? He obviously doesn't have to really, as others must run everything for him.
It's time to openly admit that America voted twice for an idiot for President. Far worse though would be this future show. Is Bush a moral person? Does he show conscience or any real compassion? Has he ever admitted resposibility for his actions? Is he just an occassionally charming sociopathic idiot with a wealthy influencial family?


scout said...

egads, does he have ANY idea what the history books will say about him?? he obviously wanted more than a sentence or two so he opted for a couple of paragraphs maligning him....something like richard nixon.

unrepentant old hippie has an idiocy post on bush which categorizes him as a developmentally-disabled moron

Anonymous said...

Q, you are being very unfair. Bush is a very smart person. I heard him explain imports while ago. He very clearly said, "All our imports come from foriegn countries". Now you tell me. Did you know that?

Annamarie said...

Hehehe! That's a good one, Anon! :)

I think that Bush is a "sociopathic idiot with a wealthy influencial family", but I don't find him charming. Ever. I find him so irritating when I see his smug mug and hear him spewing the same inane, idiotic verbal diarrhea, that I have to hold back not to throw a heavy object at my tv. That moron is capable of giving me an instant major headache and nausea right through the screen. Honestly.

History books will not be kind to him. Rightly so. He is the most disastrous president the U.S. ever had, bar none. And undoubtedly the stupidest, university education notwithstanding. Daddy Bush paid big bucks to keep his son in school. That's the only reason he got as far as he did. Had nothing to do with his own merit or brains.

The repercussions of Bush's disastrous reign will be felt for a long time to come and the U.S. will not be able to shake its warmongering bully image anytime soon. I sure wish the same thing doesn't happen to Canada under Harper's rule. Since the Liberals are headless with no viable leader foreseeable amongst the present crop of contenders, I fear we may be stuck with Harpie for quite some time. Alas! :(

Sure wish the Clan Mothers would get the chance that is rightfully theirs...

Q said...

I thought idiot was an interesting choice. In it's current useage isn't it like a swear word? Acting like an idiot? Doesn't mean they are unintelligent, just pissing you off. Dostoyevsky wrote an interesting story of a Jesus like man called the 'idiot" but Bush would be more the antichrist like man.

RossK said...

scout (at top of thread)--

I believe that not long ago, historically speaking at least, Mr. Bush reportedly had this to say about history's judgement of his war of naked agression:

"History. We don't know. We'll all be dead."

Which makes certain kind of bizarre sense, from the point of view of an idiotic narcissist*, at least.

(*And if you ignore the need to speak with logical syntax and in complete sentences.)


Anonymous said...

Gazetteer, I contend Bush is a smart guy:):). You must have heard this:

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." —Washington, D.C

Video is at this site:

It does pi*s me off that this man is the president of the most powerful nation in the world.

Anonymous said...

Let me try the site again.

RossK said...

Thanks anon.

Fool me once.......
