Wednesday, December 05, 2007

International Errorism

Mr. Fish gets it right.

The neocons tried hard for a year to bomb the bejesus out of Iran over nuclear weapons development, while apparently Cheney held on to the NIE conclusion that said such programs were abandoned in 2003. Same old manipulation of intelligence to further neocon plans. All 16 national intelligence agencies came to the same conclusion on Iran which is in opposition to the war mongering - fear mongering administration's view.

Bush, the inveterate liar says he just heard about the NIE report last week after all of his warnings about WWlll if action wasn't taken against Iran. Seymour Hersh has been referring to this report, known by all in the upper echelons for a year and has already established Bush as a liar on this.


Unknown said...

oh damn, i can't read the link as i took my meds already. maybe in the morningZZZZzzzzzzzz :D

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