Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Whom Shall We Choose?

Okay, Canadians don't have a say in American elections but we certainly have to suffer the consequences.

I was just reading that Canadian men would choose sex over chocolate 5 to 1, while Canadian women are a toss up!
Q would loose a bag of M&Ms anytime for Angelina but what about the choice of Obama or Hillary for President?
Clearly the solution is to have both, sex and chocolate together but neither seems likely to want the #2 job.

After 8 years of total Republican FUBAR mismanagement, would Americans choose the likable McCain over sex or chocolate?


Anonymous said...

come on Q.....sex and chocolate any day!!! which reminds me...how is jebb gonna fix the voting machines this time around? bubble gum?

Q said...

You're right scout, the GOP are not capable of having an election without cheating...hope your skies are blue and sunny.

Anonymous said...

personally I like to have my cake and eat it too so to speak

great blogs...I enjoyed muchly...a very entertaining way to spend a Sunday aft

Q said...

Welcome aboard ib.

Me too. I want Angelina and the bag of M&Ms ;)