Saturday, January 09, 2010

The Best and Brightest

8% of our human genome comes from a virus and not our ancestors?

Interesting, certainly explains Sarah Palin and most of the anti science Right and it's nice to have something in common with your computer....

Speaking of unraveling mysteries, how come there are almost 100.000 employees at Microsoft and they still have such a lousy history of product development, essentially trying to mimic better products from smaller do all of those people do and how good are they anyway?

One could ask the same question about many large organizations, say the CIA with their massive budget and employees they continually have to hire the disreputable former Blackwater employees to get key jobs why doesn't the CIA have the employees it needs? Why don't they use military special forces or something?
Why use a group whose forte is killing innocent civilians?

How did they miss the Christmas bomber when he was essentially turned in to them...with all of those skilled employees?

Where we need our best and brightest is government and it may get to the point where we have to allow the government to seize people off the street who have established themselves as the best and brightest and force them to work for the government to kick start this crappy run world of ours...assuming there are people out there who could do so much better... you know, like this guy...

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