Friday, August 03, 2007

"There's So Many Good Stories"

It's comforting when the first lady of the worst disaster of a leader in history arrives at a disaster scene.

Yes, all good stories she says. There's nothing tragic about ignored infrastructure collapsing on innocent people.
A country with crumbling infrastructure and poor health coverage but can spend a trillion dollars destroying a country for control of it's oil resources...a country that was harmless, with no involvement in 911 or terrorism until after the occupation...well..nothing but good stories.

What could a trillion dollars do for infrastructure, health care, global warming...

Stay home and pack your bags for Paraguay.


JJ said...

I read it as "the first lady of the worst disaster in history". Ha!

Looks like the police taking Pickles away for her fashion crimes.

Q said...

Yes, keyword being disaster.
I think Pickles is too pickled to care about her fashion sense.