Saturday, December 09, 2006

Jesus the Mundane Jogger

Here's an odd web site. ( I know, there are a million of those). This fellow had a vision from God and was told to draw pictures of Jesus supporting people... but only in very ordinary activities.

Larry spent 3 years studying drawing to accomplish this nuttiness.

There's no crazy like religious crazy.

On the other hand if this is the way God operates in the world it does explain a lot. He's been so busy following joggers and truck drivers that he's been missing all of the bad shit going on out there.

Larry wants you to email him in Florida. Maybe he takes requests? I'd like a Jesus with Mark Foley messaging on the old blackberry and I need it before xmas.

I also want to know why Jesus looks so ...American?


Anonymous said...

Q, are you so cut off from yourself you don't realize the babe in swaddlings is righ tthere beside you as you type??? i'm surprised, and think crystal methodist will want you to put more in the collection plate.

Q said...

I hate people looking over my shoulder. Jesus must be some bored.

Anonymous said...

he's just being a busy-body. you know , the back seat driver guy and all that. his intentions are good but he wants to makesure youre blogging in a good way and workin' hard.

Anonymous said...

OOOh, I so want a picture of jesus with me while I smoke a blunt ... maybe lighting it up for me with the fire of the holy spirit flying from his fingertips.

Q said...

Well maybe when he's not so busy with the joggers and truck drivers, but I bet the supreme being doesn't inhale?

Anonymous said...

No, he wouldn't partake. He'd just provide the spark to fire it up.

Anonymous said...

j. is great. anyone who dont believe is an IDIOT! and besides, smoking is bad!